Home Workout Ideas

4 police officers patrol and empty UK street enforcing the coronavirus lockdown (image from YouGov)

It's official, we've all been grounded until further notice.


Gyms are shut, and if people keep refusing to follow government instructions, parks will soon be closed too.


So to help you keep fit during this time I've compiled a list of 5 social media accounts to follow for workout ideas. From within the Cannonball community and beyond.

lady doing press-ups on gym mat at home

These are free resources, so no need to sign up to expensive apps. We'll also be featuring 2-3 workouts per week on our Instagram page.

Beginner (no equipment)

Pink Gorilla Fitness

Kath shares short daily workouts which require no equipment, using easy to follow, bodyweight movements. Her workouts take around 10 minutes, so are perfect if you're busy.


Intermediate (Some equipment required)

Coach Dean Hammond

Dean posts exercise tutorial videos aimed at people looking to master functional, full-body movements. His motto is 'strength and movement' and his Instagram page has explanations of some really cool exercises that you may not seen before.


Stonehenge CrossFit
Stonehenge CrossFit (like lots of CrossFit gyms) are posting daily workouts you can do at home. Some workouts require no equipment, others require minimal kit (a dumbbell or kettlebell).

They've focused on safer, less technical movements for safety. Sessions take around 20 minutes and will get you  to work up a pretty decent sweat!


Advanced (some technique and equipment required)

The Box Programming
A really good resource for challenging daily CrossFit workouts. Aimed at people with a good base level of fitness and understanding of movements.


And for something different!

James Smith PT


James Smith is a massive name in fitness for his honest and often outspoken views. Like all people who tell it like it is he is a bit of a marmite character.


James highlights the many pitfalls and cons of the fitness industry, pointing out where not to waste your time and money.


You won't get workouts here, but you'll get a better understanding of the science behind exercise and nutrition. As well as being pretty entertaining his account is a good resource if you want to build your knowledge and design your own workouts


I hope this list is useful and gives you a start point for exercising at home.


Think there some good accounts I've missed? Let me know and I'll add them to the list!


Keep safe everyone and happy training!



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