Cold Coffee Recipes

It's summer. And as the saying goes, 'if you can't drink hot coffee on a hot day you're weak and won't survive the zombie apocalypse.'

But if you do want a delicious cold coffee here are three great recipes you can try. 

Japanese Iced Coffee by James Hoffman 

james hoffman japanese iced coffee

You will need:

  • A pour-over coffee maker (like the V60)
  • Kitchen scales
  • 30g med-fine ground coffee. (You need a finer grind than you would usually use for a pour-over. This is to slow the brew down to get more flavour.)
  • A jug
  • 200g of ice
  • 300ml hot water

The recipe works off a ratio of 60g of coffee per litre of water. This can be scaled up or down. You need 40% ice to 60% water.

brewing japanese iced coffee



  1. Wet the filter paper under a tap and place in pour-over

  2. Measure ice using the scales and put into the jug

  3. Place pour-over on top of the jug

  4. Put the ground coffee into the paper filter

  5. Put jug and pour-over on top of the scales – this allows you to measure how much water you’re using

  6. Pour 30g of water over the coffee and allow to bloom (this is when the unwanted gases escape). Stir the bloom so all the coffee is wet. Leave for 30 seconds

  7. Slowly pour-over the rest of the hot water. Try and drag this out for 2 ½ minutes in order to maximise flavour extracted from the grinds. The coffee will melt the ice as it drips down

  8. At the end of the 2 ½ minutes give the brew a quick stir to help any last water through

  9. Give the jug a little shake to help the remaining ice melt

  10. Serve in a glass over ice and enjoy!


Cold Brew Coffee

hario cold brew coffee maker

You can make Cold Brew using anything that will filter the coffee once it has steeped.

Hario make some fantastic Cold Brew kits which are relatively inexpensive. They come with a mesh basket which you put your coffee into and then remove once brewed. Super easy to clean, and makes a great brew.

If you don't want to buy another coffee you can also make cold brew in a trusty cafetiere. Here’s how:

You’ll need:

  • Coarse ground coffee and filtered water
  • A large cafetiere

A coarse grind allows the coffee to slowly extract, achieving a smooth, sweet taste. Something mellow and sweet such as our Smooth Bore Blend works well. Too fine and you’ll get bitter coffee and sediment in your cup. Filtered water will mean you coffee tastes softer. If you live in a hard water area then you’ll taste all the soluble material in the water.  


You need more coffee than you would use for a normal French Press coffee, typically 8 parts water to 1 part coffee. So use 60g of coffee to 480g of water (approximately 480ml). This will be strong, so works well over ice.

  1. Place the coffee at the bottom of the cafetiere. Slowly add all of the water then stir.

  2. Leave in the fridge for a minimum of 8-hours

  3. Take a spoon and break the crust on top of the coffee. Scoop out any lumps. Leave to settle for 5 minutes.

  4. Plunge slowly, taking care to not let any coffee grinds escape the filter

  5. Serve over ice and enjoy!

cold brew coffee made in a french press with Cannonball Coffee

Iced Latte

The quickest and simplest. You’ll need espresso for this recipe. If you don’t have an espresso maker I’d recommend making espresso-style coffee using an AeroPress, or a very strong filter coffee. The Cafflano Kompresso is ideal for making espresso quickly and allows you to make this recipe on the go.

delicious iced latte recipe using cannonball coffee


  1. Fill a glass with ice and pour the shot of coffee over the top

  2. In a separate shaker or jar with lid, add your preferred milk and any kind of sweetener or flavouring (cinnamon works pretty well). Leave plenty of room at the top

  3. Shake well so that the milk foams up

  4. Pour milk over the coffee and ice

I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I did. Keep an eye on the resources section of our website for more stuff like this. Cheers

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