Health & Wellbeing

Should You Go All Out In Every Training Session

Top Cannonballer Jordan Cave takes a look at fundamental principles of training and answers the age old question - should I max out every session?

Top Tips for Mobile Hips

Improving your hip mobility and strength can unlock a whole host of performance benefits. In this guest blog, Yoga & Pilates instructor Cheryl Williams provides some practical advice on building strong hips.

What coffee has taught us in Lockdown

For those of us who aren't keyworkers, life has slowed down considerably during lockdown. Guest contributor Liam Patient argues this is something to be savoured.

Improving Your Financial Habits

Have you ever thought about taking a fresh look at your goals around finances and feeling more in control of them? In some respects, it’s very similar to taking control of your fitness, which is something lots of Cannonball drinkers are familiar with.  In this blog, long-time customer and professional financial advisor, Ed Challis, offers some actionable tips for improving your money habits.

The Art Of Smashing Your Goals

Forget New Year’s resolutions and SMART goals. Find out how to make lasting positive changes in this guest article from Coach Dean Hammond.

Workout while your coffee brews

Let’s be real, mornings can be tough, but we all know a good cup of coffee can make it easier - especial...

Coping with a change to our work and social lives due to Covid-19

Working practices have changed for many of us, which might mean that you are now working from home and finding that your time spent working is slowly encroaching into what would have been time to train, chill out or spend with loved ones. Routine and structure is comforting for us and research tells us changes to these (especially when guidance is constantly changing) can leave us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or unsure how or where to start as well as activating different parts of our brains…argh! In this guest blog our friend Dr Reena Vohora, a Clinical Psychologist, shares some tips that may help with managing changes to our working lives.

Winter Tips for Early Morning Coffee-Fuelled Runs

A look at how to motivate yourself to exercise during dark winter mornings. We'll cover: - How to trick yourself into action- Should you drink coffee before a workout?- Can coffee before a workout help with weight loss?

5 Minute Mobility Routine

Try this simple routine while your coffee brews in the morning. Improve your flexibility and get warmed up for the day.

Coffee v Naps

What is better for beating an afternoon slump - coffee or having a nap? Find out here. (5 minute read)

How to avoid back pain

Have you ever wanted to improve your posture, or reduce your risk of getting a bad back? Top Cannonballer and Chiropractor Aidan Robinson shares his advice on avoiding posture related injuries.


What you do after waking up each morning can set you up for success, or contribute to chaotic day where you achieve nothing. Creating a really powerful morning routine is actually easier than you may have thought. And it doesn’t need to involve getting up at 4.30am, chanting or drinking weird potions. This article runs through what a morning routine is, why they are beneficial, and give some pointers on how to own your morning.   
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