Caffeine & Conquer July 2020

Here’s some cool stuff I’ve put together for you to scroll through while you drink your coffee. Sort of like an end of month round-up, but with the aim of helping you have a better month ahead.

A book that might change the way you think 
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. Here's a short summary I wrote. The book has so many fascinating facts and thought-provoking concepts about humankind and society.

A shot of inspiration from the Cannonball Community
Check out top Cannonballer Al Hall. An army-veteran, he’s had his fair share of setbacks in recent years. We won’t list them all, but most recently he has suffered a heart attack and been diagnosed with blood cancer. Al decided to stick two fingers up at adversity and has begun training for an ultra-marathon. Go and check out his journey. Warning: expect some colourful language.

A challenging workout to try at home
I have been religiously following WOD Hunter during lockdown. They post loads of great workouts that require minimal or no equipment. Their bodyweight Living Room Benchmark is really challenging and something you can re-visit to track progress. Definitely one to try.

A coffee brewing tip
Our friends at Batch Coffee UK made this brilliant little AeroPress video. It is short & sweet, and best of all those of us born in the 80s may recognise the music from a famous Nickelodeon TV programme. (Can you name it?!) If you have an AeroPress give their method a go. Batch coffee also did a great review of Maximum Charge a while ago.

An Instagram account to follow
If you do any kind of barbell training then I can’t recommend Squat University highly enough. You can also find them on YouTube. Dr. Aaron Horschig is one of very few people who combines coaching with a medical background. His understanding of anatomy and biomechanics is unrivalled. His videos address many of the common issues people struggle with on compound lifts. As we get closer to gyms re-opening and being able to go and lift heavy weights again it is the perfect time for a little dose of technique.

Congrats to the winner of our bumper giveaway
Well-done to Tommy Clark for getting his hands of £200 worth of swag from some great companies. We’ll be running another big giveaway later this summer so keep your eyes peeled.

If you missed them first time round here are our blog posts on creating an awesome morning routine and tips on improving posture and avoiding back pain

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