Caffeine & Conquer June 2020

Here’s some cool stuff I’ve put together for you to scroll through while you drink your coffee. Sort of like an end of month round-up, but with the aim of helping you have a better month ahead.


A book that might change the way you think 
Check out the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k by Mark Manson. It’s an absolute game-changer. Here's my short summary of the key points.


A challenging workout to try at home
I loved this little 20 minute blast by top Cannonballer Peter Dunsmore. Gyms are shut so these tasty little home workouts are all the rage. All you need for this is a dumbbell or kettlebell. I managed 5 rounds then had to have a lie down.


A shot of inspiration from the Cannonball Community
Vic Owens aka The Happy Runner has recently completed an ultra-marathon in her garden. But she also took part in an ongoing 24/7 indoor relay. These guys have been running non-stop since 2 May and are going until 30th May.

A coffee brewing tip
It turns out we may have been needlessly worrying about brewing coffee with boiling water. My favourite coffee nerd James Hoffman explains why.

An Instagram account to follow
Checkout the Development Society for philosophical insights, wavy thoughts and purposeful community content.  If you don’t use Instagram here’s their Facebook Page


A chance to win £200 of swag
Check out the giveaway we’re running on Instagram. It’s free and super easy to enter. Winner gets announced on Sunday 31st at 7pm.


If you missed them first time round here are our blog posts on why you should not waste time worrying about Mycotoxins in coffee and tips on staying healthy during lockdown

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