The New Roastery

Where does that bag of super strong coffee in your kitchen cupboard from?

Well, I'm about to take you behind the scenes at Cannonball.....
When I started the company way back in 2018 I wanted to offer a truly premium, artisan product.
I was anxious to avoid being yet another white label w**ker - sticking my labels on generic coffee roasted in the giant factory that produces most of the coffee in the UK.
Private Label for Charities, Organizations & Corporate Gifts – Scotty P's  Big Mug Coffee
I considered roasting coffee in my garage. But soon realised this was not a scalable business. 
Then, through a series of coincidences I ended up partnering with a local micro-roastery called Beanpress.
Cannonball rents space at their roastery. Orders get roasted and shipped from their converted farm building in the heart of the stunning Dorset countryside.
A couple of weeks ago we moved out of the old stables we've been in for 3 years and into a new purpose built facility - literally on the other side of the yard. 

Beanpress has now become 'The Roasting Rooms'. It's going to be a co-operative roasting space which a few craft brands will call their home.

20kg and 3kg coffee roasting machines in a large white factory setting
The new roasting area

It is a truly impressive facility - roomier, brighter and cleaner. It's going to give us the space to increase production further, and launch some exciting new products very soon (watch this space)

Once this bug that's been going around goes away I'm hoping to be able to invite some lucky Cannonballers down for a visit. 


The Move


roasting rooms under construction The old barn during the first stage of the build

moving the joper roaster out of the old building
Moving the Joper roaster

moving the coffee roaster on a jcb
Being based on a farm means ready access to machinery 


 removing a aluminium flue from a roof
Removing the flue from the old building


 Getting the flue out an covering the hole was a challenge

20kg joper coffee roaster with parts laid out around it 
Putting the roaster back together 


side view of a 20kg joper coffee roaster
Installing the 3kg micro-roaster alongside the main machine


duncan grocock at the green coffee storage area in the roasting rooms
The new green coffee storage room


There are lots of exciting times ahead at this new roastery. Keep an eye out for more behind the scenes content. 


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