Protein Bread & Butter Pudding

We're always looking for amazing breakfast recipes to pair with coffee

This protein packed bread and butter pudding is perfect if you want to treat yourself to something seriously delicious. Really easy to make and super filling and satisfying I ended up eating the whole tray for a midweek post-gym pick me up. 

Tray of bread and butter pudding next to cup of black coffee

Recipe courtesy of our friend @barb_ell 


  • 6 Slices of bread
  • 2 tbsp sweetner
  • 100g liquid egg whites
  • Scoop of vanilla protein (I used vegan but whey works too)
  • 250ml of your choice of milk
  • 15g flora
  • 25g raisins 
  • 2 tsp cinnamon 
  • Vanilla flavour drops


1. Cut the crusts off the bread and spread the flora on one side of each piece

2. Grease a baking dish using cooking spray

3. Cut the bread into small triangles and arrange a layer on the bottom of the dish, with the butter side up

4. Sprinkle half the cinnamon and raisins over the bread layer, then make a second layer and repeat

5. Whisk together the sweetener, flavour drops and egg whites until fluffy

6. Mix the protein shake and and milk and warm in the microwave for approximately 60 secs

7. Add the egg mix to the protein and mix together, then pour evenly over the bread in the pan

8. Leave to soak for 30 minutes then place in a pre-heated over (160c fan) and bake for 30 minutes 

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