Protein Pancake Recipe

I absolutely love pancakes. They taste amazing and they go so well with coffee. Such a great morning combo when you’ve got a few minutes!

But have you ever tried swapping flour for protein powder? You instantly transform a treat into something that’s actually pretty healthy. 

Here is a great protein pancake recipe


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 50g oats or oat flour
  • 30g vanilla protein powder
  • 1 egg
  • 5g baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon
  • 100ml of milk

stack of protein pancakes and a cup of cannonball coffee

[Click on image to play video]


  • Add all the ingredients to a blender and blitz until you get a thick batter. Add more milk if required
  • Heat a non-stick pan with a little oil
  • Spoon in the mixture into mini pancakes that are approximately 6 inches in diameter. Rotate the pan to spread the batter out
  • Once the mixture bubbles flip the pancake and cook on the other side until golden brown
  • Repeat until you’ve used up all the batter
  • Top with whatever you like – Grenade Carb Killer spread, Biscoff spread, or Greek Yoghurt are personal faves

Want a low carb option?

You can leave the flour out completely and just use 4 ingredients:

  • Egg
  • Protein Powder
  • Milk
  • Baking Powder

Check out this recipe:

fluffy pancakes in frying pan

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